After retiring after almost 32 years of service in the DoD industry, she was looking for an animal-related volunteer gig close to home and found Wild Blue (through her friends Karen and Mike (yes, OUR Mike)). This was in February of 2012. She started by cleaning litter boxes in the very small sanctuary (before it was expanded) then was asked “do you know anything about Excel?” She said she did and “voila” the track keeping of all things kitty became hers. It was quickly realized that Excel was NOT the way to keep the huge volume of data organized, so she and Shirley David went around town to other shelters and rescues to see what would work. They determined
that Trackabeast was the best option and we are still using it today.
Jane has a degree and background in medical technology. In high school and college she worked for a veterinarian and on graduating, she went into the “people medicine” field managing a urologic practice for 7 years before moving to Colorado and changing course altogether to the DoD world. Today, she “works” at Wild Blue doing her darndest to keep Trackabeast up-to-date and accurate. She shares her life with her husband, Jim; an Australian Shepherd, Libby; an elderly green iguana, Lester; and a Siamese-looking kitty named Orchid (foster fail). All the pets are special needs.
Jane works so incredibly hard for Wild Blue Cats and keeps us all in line. We are so thankful for her and all that she does.